Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Teacher of a Lifetime

Audrey is only in 4th grade so it may be too early to say this, but I'm pretty sure her current teacher is her "Teacher of a Lifetime", that ONE teacher who changed our lives, the BEST thing to ever happen to our family.

Audrey has had MANY wonderful teachers no doubt.  We've developed a close relationship with each one in her short school career none of whom we'd trade for the world.  This year, however, marked a turning point and it all started with Mrs. K.

Recently our special education department asked parents to nominate a group or teacher who had made a difference in our child's life.  While our daughter has an incredible team molding public education to her needs, we felt it was Mrs. K. who had the greatest impact to date.   I am beaming with pride to announce that she was accepted for the 2014 Rise Up Award.   Here is our nomination:

Mrs. K and Audrey 2014 4th Grade
A short nomination letter cannot come close to acknowledging the inspiration provided by M.K.  She would be worthy of a novel, as it would take pages to express how important this woman is in our lives. Mrs. K's contribution to Audrey's success and triumph over her special needs could be compared to teaching a child to defy gravity. She taught Audrey to fly again, to find her wings.

At the beginning of 4th grade Mrs. K recognized Audrey's challenges right away, and worked with her rather than against her. She appreciated both Audrey's abilities and limitations - rather than attempting to mold Audrey to the classroom, she molded herself to Audrey's needs, while not singling her out or excluding the other children. In an early conference Mrs. K told us that we influenced her to be a better parent. What a shock - how could we have influenced one of the greatest teachers we had ever known? Mrs. K drew from her personal experiences when working with Audrey, and this only enhanced the teacher student relationship.

Before Mrs. K., Audrey hated school. She cried every morning and every afternoon. Because of Mrs. K., Audrey has started to look forward to school, and there are no more tears. Audrey has even acknowledged the future of her education. She is beginning to soar again - as a child should.

If you have a special teacher in your child's life, special needs or not, take the time to thank them.  Your child may be 1 of 30 in a teacher's day, but your child's teacher could be the ONE making their day!  
Mrs. K. receiving her "Rise Up" Award

We love you, Mrs. K!


  1. I love this! Congrats to Mrs. K on the well-deserved award. What a wonderful blessing she clearly has been for Audrey and your whole family.

    1. Thank you for the nice words and for reading! ~~Jenn
